
Our network of High Performance Providers ensure top outcomes, reducing surgical spend and post-operative care allowing the patient to return to work sooner. Value is not just price, it is quality. High Performance Providers deliver both.


Las Vegas, NV

Monday - Friday 6:00a - 5:00p (PST)

Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED





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November 2021

Geek Speak ebook

Geek Speak eBook: Breaking Down the Language Barrier between Providers and Health Benefit Professionals

Healthcare providers and those involved in health plan design—benefits advisors and third-party administrators (TPAs)—are increasingly working together to develop relationships and direct contracting opportunities. Clear communication between the two groups is much more difficult when jargon and industry-specific acronyms get in the way of mutual understanding. That’s where High Performance Providers’ e-book, Geek Speak, comes in. Launched in November 2021, this helpful reference guide provides honest, real-world definitions of common terms...