High Performance Navigation
Direct contracting can save your health plan up to 70% on their healthcare costs. But what does it really take to implement this cost containment solution? Who assists members in accessing this benefit? The hard truth is that direct contracting does not work without effective care navigation.

Learn how to install a direct contracting solution in your health plan design, starting with the SPD Amendment.

Learn how to identify population health needs, select direct contract solutions, and integrate care navigation.

Learn what separates the ``good`` from the ``GREAT`` when it comes to effective care navigation.

Learn how to measure the return on investment from your care navigation team.
We're here to help

The Power of High Performance Navigation
We know all the players in navigation and will assess your needs and introduce you to our preferred list of care navigators that have proven themselves many times over on delivering the highest ROI to other health plans.

The Power of the Request for Proposal
Asking the right questions of your prospective navigation firms is critical. We provide multiple levels of support, including a ready-to-execute RFI or RFP that provides you all the right questions to ask.

Want to learn more?

Download The Power of Navigation eBook