As the lead for High Performance Providers, I apply the knowledge acquired in positioning Las Vegas as a World recognized destination for health & wellness travel to identify the best performing surgeons in their specialty. I work directly with High Performing Providers who can demonstrate better health outcomes while lowering costs for large self-funded groups. We work closely with self-funded health plans, the third-party administrators (TPAs) that represent the plans, their consultants, and the high performance networks they seek out, oftentimes saving plans 40-60% of health spending.
After 10 years as CEO of Las Vegas HEALS (Healthcare | Education | Advocacy | Leadership | for Southern Nevada), I transitioned into a strategic advisory role where I continue to provide top-level leadership to deliver on our mission “To foster strategic alliances in the healthcare community, collaborating on workforce issues and being a proactive force for legislative initiatives to improve access and the delivery of quality healthcare in Southern Nevada.”
I am an experienced and successful entrepreneur who has built and sold several businesses throughout my career. Most of my success has been found in the healthcare, technology, and employment industries. Today, I consider myself more of a social entrepreneur spending a significant amount of time improving Southern Nevada’s health care infrastructure and positioning Las Vegas to become the most globally recognized health & wellness destination.
Contact Info
PO Box 80808
Las Vegas, 89180, Nevada